
Youtube VS TikTok Controversy

We all know that both of them are video platforms where creators can Create, Post, and Watch videos. Both of these platforms have different communities of users and there is no need for comparison between them. But this comparison has become the trend and people are sharing whatever they want without knowing the fact that both of them have advantages in their own way.

Talking about YouTube, it was not firstly intended to accept uploads of any type of video of the creators. The original idea for YouTube was a video version of an online dating service. But due to the difficulty in finding enough dating videos, it led to a change of plans, with the site's founders deciding to accept uploads of any type of video. And since then, any users can create as many videos as they want of any length following the policy of YouTube and community guidelines. 

Talking about TikTok, it was launched in 2017 after merging with musical .ly with the intension that users could create short, dance, lip-sync, comedy and talent videos following its terms and conditions. The application allows users to create short music and lip-sync videos of 3 to 15 seconds and short looping videos of 3 to 60 seconds. It was also the most-downloaded app on the App Store in 2018 and 2019.
Now let’s come to the point, I personally don’t know who compared these two platforms and said one is better than other offending the specific platform’s creators. Since both platforms are related to video creation, it requires the knowledge of editing and creation.

If you are creating content for YouTube with story and knowledge, it requires a large amount of effort and direction. Since the videos are long it must be properly edited and presented so that users can understand it and love it. If you have just started a YouTube channel, creating and uploading the video is not enough because the video doesn’t go to another creator’s and user’s page without sharing it with them. You must add proper tags to make your video appear when users search for it. You must add an attractive thumbnail to attract the users to watch your video. So, it’s easy to create a YouTube channel but very difficult to give continuity to that YouTube channel. It is because creating a YouTube content is not the thing that everyone can do.

If you are creating pure content with story and knowledge in a TikTok video then you have to make it within 3 - 60 seconds. It’s very hard to complete the entire story within that period of time. But the thing is, the person who creates these contents which are actually meaningful and gives knowledge do not get proper views and fan following. The views on the video in TikTok depends upon the AI. The app's AI algorithms decide which videos to show users. The full-screen design of TikTok allows every video to unveil both positive and negative signals from users (positive = a like, follow, or watching until the end; negative = swipe away, press down). Even the speed at which users swipe a video away is a relevant signal. So, the views on TikTok videos doesn’t depend on the hand of creators. It depends on the AI and the users.

Now let’s talk about the present situation “YouTube vs TikTok” that led to the great argument between the creators of YouTube and TikTok. If we talk about cringy content, I am sure that both of the platforms contain those content. But if we see on the fact, a large portion of people in TikTok make cringy content just to get viral or kind of negative popularity. This has affected the pure content creators on TikTok who are actually trying to create a story or any kind of educational content on TikTok. Many good creators are getting hate comments and nasty nametags ( Chakka ). 

There are so many people who made their life using TikTok and there are some people who pull their legs and define them with unpleasant characters. There are some creators in TikTok who are liked by all of the celebrities as well and they appreciate their creation. Everyone knows that there are people who create cringy content and they must be taught what they are doing is creating a bad impact on the good creators. Even if the creator is not creating any kind of cringy content, your viewers are giving them nasty nametags and making trolls about them! If you are that jealous of what they achieved in their life then why don’t you give it a try? Or are you afraid that even if you try, you cannot achieve what they got in their life! Change your mind dude! Grow Up! Go and Get a Life!

To the Guys who think TikTok is Better than YouTube!

Look, guys, as I have mentioned above, the app is made for making short music and lip-sync videos of 3 to 15 seconds and a maximum of 60 seconds. So, it can never take place of YouTube. YouTube provides the creators to create and upload videos of any length. It also provides the opportunity of online earning through the AdSense account. People can search for specific content on YouTube, watch it and learn from it. There is barely any educational content on TikTok. It is made for fun purposes so have fun with it. Don’t mess around with hardworking creators of YouTube because you are hardly capable of creating and giving continuity on YouTube. So, keep in mind that TikTok can’t take place of YouTube in any way.

To the Guys who think TikTok is for Chakka!

Oh hello, there is a quote you know “Don’t Judge A Book By Looking At Its Cover”. Even though we find cringy content on TikTok it can be used in the right way. If it is used in the right way, the actual creators can get some credit for their talent. Some creators post their art techniques, some post their singing and dancing videos. Users could promote their YouTube videos on TikTok as well. You know some of the videos are really good but you people are busy sharing cringy content. You know what, the cringy content is promoted by you people by sharing them in your social media. You make trolls about them and many people are doing the same thing on TikTok in the name of getting viral. Please change your opinion on this because your favorite person in real life might be on TikTok and he/she is ashamed of you because you are not letting him/her show off his/her talent which might actually be awesome. Do you know even National and International Celebrities are on TikTok and they are using it in the right way! Now say me, are you that Jealous about it?

In my opinion, both the platforms are good if we could use them in the right way. If you are YouTuber you can promote your channel in TikTok as well. If you are TikToker you can earn name/fame and get involved in YouTube so that you can earn money as well. So, use both the platforms wisely and correctly. Don’t Spread Negativity. Thank You!


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